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Assurance Services
  • Due Diligence: Companies and financial institutions face escalating regulatory and compliance requirements, mandating appropriate screening and due diligence of customers, partners and vendors. NRTC supports clients across the full spectrum of their needs, with due diligence solutions that run from basic screening through the most complex investigative due diligence.
  • Statutory Audit Services under Companies Act, Income Tax Act and Trust Act :All companies registered in India are required to get their Financial Statements audited by Chartered Accountants under the Indian Companies Act. These audits are undertaken in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards and guidelines issued from time to time by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Additionally, Companies which have a turnover over a specified amount are also required to have their records audited by Chartered Accountants under the Indian Income Tax Act. We are also registered with the Reserve Bank of India to undertake audit of Banks in India.
  • Internal Audit
  • Stock and Sundry Debtors Audit for Banks & Financial Institutions
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